A Little Neil Peart Every Now and Then. . .

Rush_Permanent_Waves. . . is healthy for the soul.

In their own image

Their world is fashioned

No wonder they don’t understand

—Neil Peart, 1980


Rush-SignalsSome will sell their dreams for small desires

Or lose the race to rats

Get caught in ticking traps

—Neil Peart,1982


power windowsYou can do a lot in a lifetime

If you don’t burn out too fast

You can make the most of the distance

—Neil Peart, 1985


rush snakes arrowsNow it’s come to this

It’s like we’re back in the Dark Ages

From the Middle East to the Middle West

It’s a world of superstition

—Neil Peart, 2007


rush clockwork angelsThe future disappears into memory

With only a moment between.

Forever dwells in that moment,

Hope is what remains to be seen.

Forever dwells in that moment,

Hope is what remains to be seen.

—Neil Peart, 2012

4 thoughts on “A Little Neil Peart Every Now and Then. . .

  1. bryanmorey94

    Great stuff, Brad! I absolutely love those lyrics from Clockwork Angels. Remembering that life and the present reside between memory of the past and contemplation of the future is so important. Almost reminds me of Tolkien in LOR, the only thing we have to decide is what to do with the time that we have been given.


  2. carleolson

    Well, I take umbrage with the lyrics about the “Dark Ages,” as it might be good, in certain ways, to be back in the 13th century. The real Dark Ages began, I think, in the 1700s, during the so-called “Enlightenment.” But, hey, I’m a bit grumpy today. 🙂


    1. Carl, grumpy man, at least I didn’t quote “his mind is not for rent to any god or government”! I take the lines to mean folks such as Fred whatshisname from Topeka. But, maybe Peart means more than that?

