Metal Mondays: The Darkness, “Last of Our Kind”

Here’s the title track from the new album out this year from The Darkness, “Last of Our Kind”…

It’s pretty darn great, and the whole album’s not too bad as well…

Check out the guitar solo starting at 2:34, which is very tasteful and nicely paced with a little bit of flash sprinkled in at just the right moments (like around the 3:00 mark)…

Of course, the track’s secret weapon is that nifty falsetto vocal work…

3 thoughts on “Metal Mondays: The Darkness, “Last of Our Kind”

  1. Erik Heter

    I’m not 100% sure, but I believe I saw these guys live in the early 00’s performing at one of the venues during Austin’s SXSW festival. I remember the vocalist looking like this guy, singing in falsetto, and the band in general having a strong mid-70’s vibe. I’ve just never been able to verify that it was really them.


      1. Erik Heter

        Man, it’s GOT to be them, but it’s driving me crazy that I can’t prove it, despite my best use of Google-Fu to search for past SXSW lineups.

        Now, if you’ll excuse me, after watching that video I need to go change into my bell-bottom jeans.


