Heart of the Sunrise — Tribute to Chris Squire

Shakira can pay tribute to Chris Squire too. I wonder what her favorite Yes song is?
Shakira should pay tribute to Chris Squire too. I wonder what her favorite Yes song is?

Neal Morse over at The Prog Report:

“A lot of songs changed my life.  I’ve been shaped by music all along.  I guess if I had to pick one, I’d pick Heart of the Sunrise, in reverence to our dear departed Chris Squire.  Heart of the Sunrise was a big, big life changer for me.”

Neal goes on to explain the first time he saw Yes in concert.  “I saw them open for Black Sabbath when Fragile had just come out and that was my moment.  That was my big ‘Woah!’  I didnt know this was possible.  I didn’t know you could have classical music side by side like that with pop and rock music and everything else.  Then the next year I saw them on the Close to the Edge tour.  That was right after Bruford, so I got to see them with Bruford the very first time.”

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