PROG magazine issue # 54 CD review


I could hardly be happier. My latest issue of PROG magazine just arrived—the one with the Marillion cover (and a great article about the neo-prog bands of the early 80s).


But as fun as the magazine is, I submit it’s worth the price of subscription just to get the CD sampler. I am of the generation that has been (is) fighting (within my own brain) the battle for physical, “hard copy” media and thus I don’t download. Being too cheap to have satellite radio in the auto, I love CD samplers. PROG’s latest collection, “LORDS OF THE BACKSTAGE” is a corker; maybe the best one I’ve heard.


With 10 tracks clocking in at about an hour I only found one song that gets a less than an “A” rating.


Track 1: “The Storm” from Arjen Lucassen and Anneke vanGiersbergen’s latest magnum opus THE GENTLE STORM kicks of…

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