Marillion’s Glorious BRAVE (TAC)

IMG_20180506_0001The good folks of The American Conservative allowed me to indulge one of my greatest loves and write about the 2018 re-release of Marillion’s BRAVE, remixed by Steven Wilson.  Whatever your politics, please head over there to check it out.

“The Cold War is done, but those bastards will find us another one.”

This cry might have come from any current reader of The American Conservative alive in the early 1990s—well, maybe without the bastard part. But still, an anguished expression from Russell Kirk or Pat Buchanan? Why not? After all, as TAC editor Bob Merry recently and wisely noted, so many so-called conservatives of the early 1990s “kicked Reagan to the curb” the moment they inherited the Republican Party. And it seems they kept kicking, mutating a military that came into existence solely to defeat the Soviets into a world peace-keeping force, a new Delian League. The bastards did find us another one.

And then: “They’re here to protect us, don’t you know. So get used to it. Get used to it.”

James Bovard or Virginia Postrel? Or some other grand libertarian of a quarter of a century ago? Why not?

Actually, the words are prog rock lyrics from Marillion’s album Brave (1994).

One thought on “Marillion’s Glorious BRAVE (TAC)

  1. Michał

    Great (album), great (band), great (article)! “Whatever Hogarth’s worries in 1994, he and Marillion have transcended their critics as well as themselves in almost every way that matters.” This pretty much sums up my own thoughts about this exceptional band.

    One of the pieces of music I never tire of is the 2009 recording of “Neverland” (“Out of Season” DVD). The way it is played, sung, acted by H, and filmed is pretty much the epitome of timelessness for me. As for the “Brave” material live, I absolutely love the ‘H the vampire’ act during “Goodbye to All That”, which shows that ambiguity can be much more telling (not to mention entertaining) that unabashed preaching (Roger Waters anyone?).

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